
Started by Jen @ One moms world

   I have decided to participate in Jen @ One moms World’s Spring Weight Off Challenge. It’s a very good idea, and although she is offering some very neat prizes, I will be doing this for me more than anything else. I decided in January to start trying to lose weight. A few months have passed by with no effort on my part. I keep making excuse after excuse to start exercising but I always end up being too tired. My list of excuses may include all or more of the following;

  • I have to clean the house instead
  • I am too tired
  • I have a headache
  • My hip hurts
  • I did enough today
  • The baby won’t let me
  • I didn’t sleep well
  • I’m having a bad day
  • But I just TOOK a shower
  • I have WAY too much to do today
  • And what will I do with the kids while I do this?
  • I can’t find my shoes
  • It’s cold outside
  • It’s hot outside
  • It’s humid outside
  • How will I get a stroller and two kids down three flights of stairs by myself? We live on the third floor!
  • I’ll do it tomorrow

So, in light of the fact that I will make an excuse for damn near anything, I am going to give this a shot.

I have battled with my weight all my life. I get it off, it comes back. I get it off, it comes back. Lately I am starting to think it s here to stay. So TAKE THIS FAT! YOU ARE LEAVING ME NOW! …i hope.

The skinniest I have ever been in my adult weight was 135. Of course that was when I was 17 and not exactly an adult, but hey, it counts! I weighed 150 when the hubbs and I stated dating again. I was happy at that weight, I don’t look too bad at that weight! But afer a few months of dating I started getting comfortable and the weight crawled up on me. I weighed 160 when I got pregnant with my first. The day I went to the hospital to give birth, I was weighing in at 198. I vowed to never reach the 200 mark. I knew it was all down hill from there. So, after a few days of labor followed by a few weeks of the “NICU diet” I stepped into my house for the first time with my baby and hopped on the scale to find myself weighing in at a whopping 172. That’s right, in just a few weeks, I had dropped 26 pounds and she was only a seven pound baby! (I don’t recommend the NICU diet, although it produces excellent weight loss results you subject yourself to many tears, sleepless nights and an altogether absent appetite.)

By the time she was 6 months old I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 160, but I was still overweight and would continue to gain until I got pregnant again with my second.

Second baby, I began the pregnancy weighing 175. Yikes! I had gained 15 pounds that year. During the pregnancy is gained steadily until I saw that 200 mark creeping up on the scale. Still trying to avoid that 200 mark, pregnant or not, I avoided the scales for the following weeks until after I brought my baby home to find myself at 194. Now, the baby is 7 months old and I have manged to get my weight down to 179. Not quite my pre-pregnancy weight and DEFINITELY not where I want to be. My goal is to get down to 140 or possibly 135 (I’m 5’4, so it’s not that unrealistic!)

So check back every Monday for my weigh-in to see how much I’ve lost. I plan to pretty much continue eating the things I eat now (minus the cookies!), add a whole lot more water, take out soda (even diet), and walk/jog daily. Hopefully I will be more inclined to follow his now that I know everyone that reads my blog is watching.

Starting weight: 179

Goal weight: 140(ish)

(Can you believe I just put my weight on the froocking internet?? I can’t…going to bury my head in a pillow now.)