Here it is in all it’s glory.


Yes, it looks simple enough, but when accompanied by lost screws and screaming children, trying to put this beast up while the hubby was at work was possibly the worst idea I’ve had.

After trying for about three hours, I gave up and waited for Mr. Fix It to get home. He found the lost screws (they were right near the rest of the screws–so technically they were not lost at all, I’m just blind) and put the rest of it together in about 20 minutes.

…Show off.

Her first night in it I was bracing myself for very little sleep. We’ve tried this before, her crib turns into a toddler bed, and she was always TERRIFIED at the thought of not having that rail there, to the point of crying until we put it back up. I wanted to do this transition a long time ago but I didn’t want to force it on her. The closer we were getting to her third birthday, the more I worried why any toddler would still want to be in a baby crib. So we thought, maybe if we got a whole new bed she would focus more on how cool it was she has a new princess bed and less on the fact that it was a big scary change like in the crib when we took of the rail.

It worked, this is day two and we haven’t had a single problem. Actually, she thinks she can’t get out of bed, like there is some invisible rail there –we were also worried she would just get out of bed and play with her toys all night instead of sleeping, but that hasn’t been a problem at all! She sits on her bed and will actually yell “mama! mama!” until I come pick her off her bed. I’m not sure why she doesn’t realize there is not anything stopping her from coming to get me herself, but hey, we will take what we can get.

My daughter, the only child on the face of the planet that refuses the ability to get out of her bed a million times a night whenever she feels like it.

I’m sure my time will come soon enough.